View all Sterling 1989 Car Models has information about 5 Sterling cars in its database starting from 1987 to 2009. For 1989, you can choose between 5 Sterling models. The average price of Sterling cars for 1989 comes to $29,675.00, which is higher that the average price of Buick cars for 1989.
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- 1989 Toyota
- 1989 Dodge
- 1989 Pontiac
- 1989 Honda
- 1989 Nissan
- 1989 Plymouth
- 1989 GMC
- 1989 Lincoln
- 1989 Chrysler
- 1989 BMW
- 1989 Acura
- 1989 Hyundai
- 1989 Subaru
- 1989 Jaguar
- 1989 Audi
- 1989 Merkur
- 1989 Daihatsu
- 1989 Land Rover
- 1989 Rolls-Royce
- 1989 Four Winns
- 1989 Freightliner
- 1989 Mack
- 1989 Yamaha
- 1989 Holiday Rambler
- 1989 Nu Wa Industries, Inc
- 1989 Kiefer-Built
- 1989 Maserati
- 1989 John Deere
- 1989 Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc.
- 1989 Pace American Trailer