- Year: 2019
- Make: Buick
- Model: Enclave
- Trims Available: 7
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9-Speed Automatic
- Driveline: FWD
- Seating: 7
- MSRP: $$40,000 USD
- MPG: Not on File
- Tires: P255/65R18
- Tank Size: Not on File
2019 Buick Enclave Review
Vehicle Overview
2019 Buick Enclave has an enjoyable SPORT UTILITY 4-DR body style. It is manufactured in United States. The car has 7 variations available for its customers. 2019 Buick Enclave is seating 7 people. The engine type is 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V. The wheel of the vehicle's axle are FWD driveline. The tires are P255/65R18 which provide comfort and little to non friction. The overall length of the model is 204.30 in. The height of the vehicle is 69.90 in. which is kept as low as possible to keep the vehicle's center of gravity as close to the ground as possible. The Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price is $40,000 USD. The invoice price of the dealer comes to $38,080 USD. 2019 Buick Enclave has had 0 recall in the past 6 years.
Popular VINs
- 5GAEVAKW1KJ139440
- 5GAERCKW0KJ283464
Popular VINs
- 5GAEVAKW1KJ139440
- 5GAERCKW0KJ283464
2019 Enclave Trims and Configurations
2019 Buick Enclave Essence FWD
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: FWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
2019 Buick Enclave Essence AWD
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: AWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
2019 Buick Enclave Avenir AWD
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: AWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
2019 Buick Enclave Premium AWD
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: AWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
2019 Buick Enclave Premium FWD
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: FWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
2019 Buick Enclave Avenir FWD
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: FWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
2019 Buick Enclave Preferred
- Engine: 3.6L V6 DOHC 24V
- Transmission: 9A
- Drivetrain: FWD
- Body & Doors: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
- Seating: 7
- MPG:
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